Student loans and the importance of leisure time

Studies have shown a strong correlation between debt and anxiety, especially student debt. Greater debt tends to be reflected in a greater amount of anxiety, which hits folks like physicians—who already have high-stress, demanding jobs—especially hard. Couple that with the added catastrophic strain of a pandemic on healthcare professionals and you’ve got a one-two punch to your mental health.

So what’s the solution? Where do we go from here?

PSLF and combating student debt

When Congress passed the CARES Act in 2020, it placed all federally-owned student loans in forbearance, freezing all payments, interest accrual, and income recertifications. That means if you have Direct, Perkins, PLUS, FFEL, or HEAL loans owned by the Dept. of Education, they’re on hold until the end of September 2021. Any privately-held loans, unfortunately, do not count.

Navigating student loans with Financial Residency

Join us June 7, 14, 21 & 28 as Joy and Ryan navigate the muddy waters of student debt and how you can “flip the script on student debt.”

Follow up on your PSLF: You don’t know what you don’t know

The first thing to know is that you have options. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for various payment plans. That may impact how you decide you and your spouse file your taxes, jointly or separately. The latter may increase your taxes , but depending on your tax situation, it could be offset by savings in loan payments.