Federal Interest Rates and Your Student Loans

If you are among those with variable-rate student loans, don’t despair: your rate may be going up right now, but it’s not permanent. Since rates are tied to the market, once the economy levels out again, your rate will almost surely go back down if you can hold on until then.

Taxes, IDR Plans, and Student Loan Payments

Even if your income increases due to salary raises, you may still be able to maintain or lower your student loan payments through pre-tax contributions. These lower your adjusted gross income (AGI), which, in turn lowers your student loan payments.

If You Have a Question About Your Student Loans, Ask It!

If you’re struggling under the cost of repaying your student loans, there is help! Contact your student loan professionals with any questions you have about student loans, whether broad or specific, big or small. We’re here to help! 

Biden Student Debt Relief at the Supreme Court

If you’re struggling under the cost of repaying your student loans, there is help! Contact your student loan professionals with any questions you have about student loans, whether broad or specific, big or small. We’re here to help! 

Next Stop for Student Loan Reform: Bankruptcy?

If you’re struggling under the cost of repaying your student loans, there is help! Contact your student loan professionals with any questions you have about student loans, whether broad or specific, big or small. We’re here to help! 

Parent Borrowers Consistently Left Out of Student Loan Reforms

While parents have been excluded in most of the student loan reforms, advocates have remained vocal about their struggles and needs for relief. Groups like the Student Borrower Protection Center continue to push for parent inclusion and share their stories.

Student Loan Scams, Fake News, and Bad Advice…Oh My!

If you’ve gotten a call or an email regarding your student loans, but are unsure of their authenticity, how can you make sure it’s trustworthy? Read on for our expert tips to spot the scams.

I’m in the Mood for…Lower Student Loan Payments?

Student loans, like marriage, are both complex and specific. It’s important to consider all of your options before making a decision and make sure that both you and your spouse are on the same page.

Biden Offers Lower Student Loan Payments under Revised REPAYE

The new REPAYE plan includes a number of tweaks to existing policy, but also introduces new protocols to ease repayment for certain borrowers.

Why So Much Student Loan Reform?

The end is in sight! Last year the Biden Administration announced yet another action in its efforts to address the student debt crisis: a one-time adjustment to borrowers’ payment counts to (re)align them with the income-driven repayment (IDR) program.