Don’t let yourself be fooled by phony student loan advice

Don’t let yourself be fooled by phony student loan advice

A big part of the work we do is help people not be “fooled” by the system or bad information. Even though the student loan industry has come a long way in a relatively short period of time (PSLF began in 2007, it’s still less than 20 years old!), it still has a poor track record due to the lack of information, arcane instructions, scant customer service advice.

You don’t need luck to maximize your tax savings

It’s tax season, and even if you don’t think you’ll find a “pot o’ gold” on April 15th, you can at least take steps to minimize the amount you owe to Uncle Sam. Fortunately enough, there’s no luck involved; you just have to know where to put your money. One smart step is to create your own little pot o’ gold by maximizing pre-tax contributions.

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”

The first thing to know is that you have options. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for various payment plans. That may impact how you decide you and your spouse file your taxes, jointly or separately. The latter may increase your taxes , but depending on your tax situation, it could be offset by savings in loan payments.

Payment Plans: Whozits and whatzits?

The first thing to know is that you have options. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for various payment plans. That may impact how you decide you and your spouse file your taxes, jointly or separately. The latter may increase your taxes , but depending on your tax situation, it could be offset by savings in loan payments.